Progressive Insurance

MakeoverMonday: Entry-Level Jobs

Our Makeover Monday Tableau user group at Progressive Insurance worked with 2021/W34: “Entry-level” jobs require 3+ years of experience this month. I posted my submission on Tableau Public. It looks similar to the original published on LinkedIn because their design is ideal. Sorted bar charts with labels are the easiest to read. I did try other designs, including one by Harish Rao that is pretty cool. You can see my other designs if you click the “download” below.

My Netflix Habits

Our Makeover Monday developer user group at Progressive Insurance usually picks a topic from the UK MakeoverMonday to work with, but this month we chose a neat data set from Netflix. You can download your complete viewing history from the Netflix website (instructions here). (For some reason, I kept receiving an error message, “We ran into an issue preparing your viewing activity. You can try again now or come back at a later time.